Your child is excited to start school. You worry about how your child will cope in a new environment. Your fears about another child being rude to them, whether they’d eat without you in their presence, or worry if they have to go to the bathroom without you.
You wait patiently until the time comes to pick up your child from school. You may be nervous and check the clock every second in the hope that it shows the right time. You may think it’s awfully dangerous and you made the wrong decision by not making your child homeschooled. Please, don’t.
These are the most common behaviors of parents who are nervous about their children going to school for the first time. Parents can easily transfer their nervous energy onto their children. This can make your children less resilient and may affect their confidence to face the world on their own.
So what can parents do for their child’s first day at school?
Your child’s first day at school doesn’t have to be stressful. Here are some tips to help you cope better with the first day of school.
Future Exercise
A few days or weeks ahead of the event, find a quiet area. Now, close your eyes. Imagine you’re going to be with your child on the first day of school. Imagine everything going according the plan. Now imagine that you are calm, in control and things are going as planned. You are proud to have been able to help your child get through the anxiety of starting school. You should be proud of your child when they enter the school grounds. Mentally wish them success and happiness. This exercise should be done daily at the same pace. You should take your time and not rush to finish this exercise. Give it your all. You’ll be better prepared when it comes to the actual day.
School Visit
Write down a list of questions you’d like the school to answer. Note down all your fears. Answer as many of your questions and concerns as possible. Before you arrive, speak with the school and request extra time. You can tell them you have questions that you’d like the school to answer. Any school will be more than happy to take your time and thank for the list of questions.
Be Social
Introduce yourself to other parents who have children similar in age to yours. Learn from the experiences of others. You can start a support group. Discuss your inhibitions and thoughts with other parents. But don’t let others’ negative experiences cloud your thinking. Keep what is positive and constructive. Be positive and constructive.
Buy Together
To shop for your child’s new pencil case or water bottle, bring them along. Many children love new school products. Offer them options. Participate them in this process.
Talk to your child and talk about the first day. Tell your child that it will be a fun day. The best things about school life are the ones you focus on. Your child should be able to see it. Tell your child how proud of them you are. Also tell them how they are going make their school better. You and your child can make a big difference by giving them genuine motivational talk.
Encourage your child to socialize early
Many parents introduce their babies to other children in countries such as the UK, Australia, and America while they are still infants. Parents often take their babies to baby swimming pools with them, where they can teach their children how to swim and interact with other children. Participate in playgroups with your child. Invite children of similar age over to your home, or visit them often. It is important that children develop social skills as young as possible. This will likely make them less “clingy”, and less afraid of starting school.
Be Prepared
You should make sure that your child has everything they need to be comfortable on the morning of the school day. It is also a good idea to have the clothes you will be wearing on hand. Wake up early each morning. Allow yourself to take a break and enjoy the day. Let your child enjoy the morning by getting up earlier than you. Drop your child at school. Your support is vital. To ensure that you are not overwhelmed by time constraints, leave your home early.
Music & Laughter
Play “chappy music” on the first morning. Play the song that your child is most familiar with. Keep your mood positive and happy, both for yourself and for your child. Enjoy a laugh while eating breakfast, or as you travel to school. Support your child if they are cranky or upset. Listen to what your child has to say and be calm. At this time in their lives, they need to be able to talk to a calm, controlled parent. You should not get upset with your child’s behavior and yell or scold them.
Divert attention
A child’s mood can be changed by changing their attitude. Your child is your best friend. You know your child’s personality. Keep these things in mind if you see problems coming up. Take their favourite toys along or engage in a mentally stimulating game.
Don’t be mad about wasted food
One of the first things that parents do after picking up their child from school is to check his or her lunch box. If you discover a half-eaten snack, or an entirely uncooked meal, don’t panic. When this happens, calmly and discretely open the package and show it to your child. After listening to them explain, simply tell your child that you are disappointed in them and expect them to do better. You shouldn’t lecture your child on food waste or scold them. Don’t instill fear or anxiety in them. Instead, let them experience your disappointment. Children will do almost anything to see their parents happy. Most children don’t like to see their parents miserable. They want their parents to be happy, and they want to feel proud of their parents.
Make for a Positive Outcome
The first day of school is an important milestone in your child’s life. Make it special for them. It should be something you and your child will remember for a lifetime. It can strengthen your bond with your child. It can be a day that makes your child feel loved and appreciated or it can make them feel lonely and abandoned. It is up to you, the parent, to ensure that the event goes according to the plan. Remember, preparation is key and try not to be stressed as it can cary over to your child. Staying calm and preparing in advance can help to both improve both of your experiences and make for a positive outcome.

Written by Dora Miller, education enthusiast, learn supporter and content editor at https://thesisgeek.com/write-my-thesis.php