Nilo Play Day Video! Enjoy!
In this playful video we captured the true essence of children at play on our Large Multi-Activity Childrens Play Table and also our Small Lego Duplo Tables.
We feature several of our own Accessories, double-sided Lego Duplo compatible Baseplates in various colors, Nilo Slide Hammer ‘N Nails, Nilo Nails, Nilo Graphic Play Mat, Nilo-Jax.
We also showcase products made by other makers such as Fiddlestix (Tinkertoys in years past), Lincoln Logs, Zoob, Playmobile, Hotwheels cars, Lego and Duplo bricks, Thomas the Tank trains, Brio Trains with wooden train tracks and much, much more!
If you know someone that would love a Nilo play table & accessories please spread the word! Thanks for watching!